Monthly Archives: January 2014

Crappy foto friday


Oh man!  I was meaning to write something witty all week but I was down and out with a cold.  This winter has not been kind to me!  And frankly sitting on my couch watching documentaries on whole food vegans was more enticing than walking up the three steps to sit in front of my computer during nap time.

But a lot and a little has happened in the past two weeks.  So here are just a few of the crappy photos I took this week. Enjoy!

Cooper asked to take a selfie with me and I obliged.

Cooper asked to take a selfie with me and I obliged.

Garrison ate my eat socks and underwear.

Garrison ate my eat socks and underwear.

Laundry.  Does it ever end?  And this is just half of one load!

Laundry. Does it ever end? And this is just half of one load!

Ella getting styled up for a party.

Ella getting styled up for a party.

Garrett helping Garrison with his post poopy diaper push ups.

Garrett helping Garrison with his post poopy diaper push ups.

This is what I received from a small child to wipe her nose.

This is what I received from a small child to wipe her nose.

Someone got ahold of pens and went to town.

Someone got ahold of pens and went to town.

Ella went to her beautician, Eden Grace Styles, and got a new do.

Ella went to her beautician, Eden Grace Styles, and got a new do.


REAL mom Wednesday


You know you are a REAL mom when…

*You always have a poop story.  Always.

This weeks poop story goes a little bit something like this  ***ahem***:

It started out as any other diaper change.  She pooped.  I clean it up.  She laid down and we get started.  I take her diaper off and a little turd rolls a bit toward the edge of the dirty diaper but still on the diaper, no probs.  Then it happened.  For whatever reason Ella reached for the diaper under her butt.  I told her no and she retracted her hand but only to see the horror of the little turd ball stuck to her hand.  I go to get it off with a diaper wipe and she freaks a bit at the poop.  It falls off her hand and lands directly on her face.  Like right between her lip and her nostril.  I grab it and she is hysterically crying.  I finishing diapering her and take her and wash her hands and face as she is still sobbing, “Poop on my face!  Poop on my face!”

I guess she learned her lesson of not touching the diapers.

Piles and piles of laundry


I think people could really make an argument against larger families simply by stating the massive amounts of laundry.

Right now my hampers are overflowing.  And I just did laundry yesterday and the day before and the day before and the day before that.

I was putting four little people clothes away today and realized their hamper is overflowing.  Again.  After just four days.  Seriously kids.  I love it when “my cup overfloweth” but “my hamper overfloweth,” nope.  Not at all.

At what age does a mom make their child do their own laundry?  Eden helps fold some laundry but I cannot wait for the day when each child has their own laundry day and has mastered the ability of folding wading up their clothes and placing stuffing them in their dresser.

Crappy foto friday


Where has this week gone?  Seriously?  We didn’t do much but it slipped away from me.  It could be that I was sick for two days and had no desire to leave the couch unless I absolutely had too and then the house became a total disaster and I had to regain it.  And now it is Friday and there were many crappy photos to be had!

I left the house for the first in a week on Saturday and the kids had a dance party as I left.

I left the house for the first in a week on Saturday and the kids had a dance party as I left.

Sunday we came home from church and crashed on the couch.  Garrett snuggled a naked miniature baby.

Sunday we came home from church and crashed on the couch. Garrett snuggled a naked miniature baby.

I accidentally washed and dried a cheap mitten.  It shrank.  A lot.

I accidentally washed and dried a cheap mitten. It shrank. A lot.

Garrison wore a coat for the first time ever.

Garrison wore a coat for the first time ever.

It was nice weather and we went for a walk on a trail near our house.

It was nice weather and we went for a walk on a trail near our house.

Garrison rode in the front of the stroller for the first time ever.  (He was strapped in and safe - I swear!)

Garrison rode in the front of the stroller for the first time ever. (He was strapped in and safe – I swear!)

Garrison pooped in his car.

Garrison pooped in his car.

I made two boxes of mac'n'cheese for the first time ever and my kids ate it all.

I made two boxes of mac’n’cheese for the first time ever and my kids ate it all.

Garrison enjoyed his table time.

Garrison enjoyed his table time.

For the two days I was sick, Ella kept me company by sitting on my legs.

For the two days I was sick, Ella kept me company by sitting on my legs.

Someone learned to get into the kitchen cabinets!

Someone learned to get into the kitchen cabinets!

Crappy foto friday


I rarely take pictures with our camera.  Partly because it is too complex for me to use and partly because I don’t know how to get the pictures off without the help of my husband and I forget to ask him to do it.

But I do take a lot of crappily awesome photos of our week on my iPod.  Not my iPhone or iPad, my iPod.  It seems to be about three steps up from my amazing cell phone (the Envy…yep, my cell phone that only texts is some that people drool and lust after).

Anyway, this week has been a bit out of normal due to sickness striking our house (I was happy if I made it out of my pjs and into sweat pants).  But I did document the loveliness with my iPod.

Here is a look into our week with crappy photos:

These little gems woke up at 5am.  The only reason I let them get up was because I woke them up while attending their puking brother.

These little gems woke up at 5am. The only reason I let them get up was because I woke them up while attending their puking brother.

The barfy one.  Poor guy had the pukes.

The barfy one. Poor guy had the pukes.

When I wasn't cleaning up puke, I found this gem.

When I wasn’t cleaning up puke, I found this gem.

And Eden drew a picture of Cooper and Daddy.

And Eden drew a picture of Cooper and Daddy.

And Garrison was angelic as usual.

And Garrison was angelic as usual.

Ella worked her magic and ended up on the counter while I made breakfast.

Ella worked her magic and ended up on the counter while I made breakfast.

Eden said cheese.  I said cheese and looked like this.

Eden said cheese. I said cheese and looked like this.

We read books and wore scarfs.

We read books and wore scarfs.

And watched Curious George Christmas so much that Eden knew all the songs and dances and performed them each night.

And watched Curious George Christmas so much that Eden knew all the songs and dances and performed them each night.