Category Archives: Coffee

REAL mom Wednesday


You know you are a real mom when…

*You don’t know where the past (almost) three weeks have gone.

Nora broke her leg which meant we had two ER visits (one for the initial owie and a second because the stink pot took off her splint before we could get her in to the orthopedist) and a visit to get a real cast. Then there was my postpartum appointment and Thanksgiving with family and errands and sickness (there is always sickness with a family of our size during holidays it seems). People, this is the season for giving and this cold has kept on giving in the form of ear infections and pink eye and coughing and sore throats (PSA – if you are sick, stay home for goodness sake!!!!!!!!!!! You shouldn’t need me or a doctor to tell you that.).

I’m exhausted from holding babies all night most nights as of late and getting up at the crack of dawn with little people and driving to and from school and doctors appointments. By 5pm I’m ready for bed and yet I still have about three more hours “on the job” before I can sit just for the sake of sitting.

This is a wonderfully exhausting time in our lives. Although, it sounds like I am complaining (I am complaining about the sickies), I am truly thankful for my precious little people and all it means to be their mom.

Only on a Monday


…would I discover I had a flat tire at the gas station on the way to a play date that I was already late for.

Yep.  Only a Monday.  With all four kids in the car crying because we were stuck and they wanted to go “Ava’s house” and I was like, “We can’t go anywhere until daddy comes and rescues us.”  And so we sat in the gas station parking lot and talked about what the future held and our dreams and ambitions.  Okay, that is a total lie.  It was more like me trying to convince them that crying wouldn’t get us anywhere and that daddy said he was on his way and that maybe I should have had that extra cup of coffee this morning.

Then daddy came.  He rescued.  And we got on our merry way.

Oh Monday!!!



Need I say more than that?

Since becoming a mother, I have learned to love coffee (only with creamer in it).  I drink it on the mornings when my eyelids can’t seem to stay open and I drink it on the mornings that I am chilled to the bone.  I also just drink it just because.

This morning was one of those tired mornings.  Duder was up screaming right as I laid my little self to bed last night.  My awesome husband did what he could to try and calm Dudely down but to no avail he just wanted some mama love.  And the only way to get him to sleep was by laying him on my chest.  I am not quite sure if he was screaming because he is teething or if the baby food he has been chowing down on is causing some intestinal distress.  Who knows!

Anyway, I heart my morning coffee!

A cup of joe.

Bad week to start a blog.


Last night proved to be a bad night in our household.  And in blogging world (and The Real Mom world) that means tiredness and laziness.  The little guy below is getting sick and is sleeping in his big boy bed crib.


But life goes on and so does blogging.

I started today with coffee, lots of coffee (and creamer because I don’t drink it black) and am now ending the day sitting on our couch watching Grey’s Anatomy, eating cookie dough (yes it has eggs in it and yes I know I should be baking it before consumption), and trying to work up the motivation to fold one measly load of laundry.

Today has been a Real day.  It has been a long day without much sleep.  And when I am this tired like every Real Mom does, not much gets done besides snuggling on the couch and diaper changes.  I am perfectly okay with this and you should be too.

So goodnight mush.  Goodnight lady whispering hush.  And goodnight me!